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Enrollment is conducted on a first come basis. Parents can submit an application for enrollment at any time throughout the year by completing and submitting our application form, which can be found by clicking the Apply Today button.

Our regular admission times are during July-September, and then throughout the year as spots become available due to families changing circumstances.




All families wanting to attend Head Start Pre-Kinder must submit a completed application form. The earlier you apply, the higher your chances of being offered a space. *Most successful applicants are from applications received during the pregnancy stage.


Please note, submitting an application form does not guarantee a space for your child. Please contact the Manager and inquire about availability and waitlist lengths. In general, we maintain ourselves full and with a solid 2-year long waitlist. However, there are many factors that can shorten or lengthen that timeframe. It is always recommended for families to email and inquire. 


When a space becomes available and is offered to a family, the family will be required to pay a deposit in order to hold the space. The deposit will be applied to the last month of your child's attendance with Head Start Pre-Kinder, before they leave for Kindergarten.
 Our deposits are $300 for a full-time space and $200 for a part-time space. 

If circumstances require your child to withdraw earlier than the end of PreK 3-4's school year, we require a one month's written notice by the end of the previous month before your child's last month in order to refund your full deposit. For instance, if your child's last month is February 28th, we would require written notice before January 30th. 

Payment Policy

Once offered a space and registered, parents are asked to fill out a Pre-Authorized Payment Form which allows us to deduct the set program fees directly from each family's bank account on the 1st of every month. 

Tax Advantage

A tax credit of up to $8,000, per child under the age of seven, can be claimed as a tax deduction on your personal income taxes for childcare program fees paid. Head Start Pre-Kinder will issue a tax receipt to each enrolled family at the beginning of every year. 

© 2016 Head Start Pre-Kinder 

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